Complete Contract

Send, Negotiate, Sign and Archive all contract digitally and securely including client and partner digital onboarding tools using face biometrics and ID verification (eKYC)

Our contract management tools

Available in Arabic and English

ID verification and facial recognition (eKYC)

Onboard and verify the identity of customers and signatories using facial biometrics and ID verification (eKYC).

Digital and eSignatures

Sign using several legally binding solutions; biometrics eSign, digital signature authorities - UAE pass, Jordan “Sanad” and more.

Contract lifecycle management

Create and send contracts digitally with our template feature for faster sales process and higher sales conversion.

Contract template generation

Use and re-use templates and contract for faster sales process and enabling online integration with your website or online forms.

Document forgery detection

Use the latest AI forensics to detect document manipulation and forgery on uploaded documents.

Turn contractual challenges into opportunities

Slow contractual processes, inability sign remotely and ensure identity of signatories, long process of getting invoices confirmed, huge volume of paperwork! No more the case with Uqoud.

Digital contracts

Streamline your process using digital contracts

Faster contract approval

Proven records of speeding up contractual process by 70%

Close deals online

Convert to a legal and hassle free to sell remotely and online

Manage fraud and compliance

Optimize archiving contracts, detecting fraud and maintaining the regions data localization laws

We take care of your contracts so focus on what matters

Less paper, more security

Uqoud minimizes the use of paperwork and documentation, replacing it with safe digital contracts and folders

Efficient document workflow

Set workflows, deadlines, action and negotiations tool, Uqoud will speed up your process by more than 70% and get your team in clarity on their pending contracts.

Single source of reference

All contracts on one platform with clear tracking of all changes and edits. No need to download or check different versions

Digital onboarding platform

Uqoud allows you to onboard your clients and employees digitally and remotely so you can safely send, edit, negotiate and sign contracts and documents online, remotely and live.

Uqoud’s contract management tools and how they work

Simple contract management process

  • Upload from web or mobile
  • Choose any file format
  • Create templates for faster contract or document use and automatic filling of customer information from online forms or internal systems
  • Set recipients workflow

  • Send notifications and reminders.
  • Set action needed; initials or signatures/ and define their location on the document. Set the authentication required; OTP/ eKYC (ID and face recognition)
  • Set the recipients order/ emails/ details and deadline
  • Negotiate online & simultaneoulsy

  • Simple crossover
  • Edit and text changes
  • Comment and mention
  • Sign using biometrics eSignature or UAE Pass and others

  • Sign and store your signature for fast future use.
  • Sign on the go from mobile
  • Authenticate using ID and facial biometrics eKYC

  • Ask recipient to display ID to check genuineness and capture ID photo
  • Capture recipient face photo to check liveness and match to ID photo
  • Accept or reject match/ ID and liveness of user
  • We support many use cases and we customize our solutions



    Gain control of your contract approval process with more security, visibility, reach and deadline / tracking features.


    What people say about us

    Hear what our customers think about our product and solutions

    Great digital onboarding process

    A unique part of the solution Uqoud offers is combining eKYC and digital onboarding to the contractual process. This increased our customer data, security of process and a safe remote onboarding process. Adding to that a smooth integraion process to our systems.

    Issa Fakhoury

    CEO, Bidaya - Qatar

    Trusted by top companies, teams and individuals

    Let us tailor a solution for you

    Contact us to discuss your needs, customize your plan, and start agreement management right away.